
An Exotic Summer Is Calling You!

Belkıs Boyacıgiller and Özge Şen, the founders of plant-based nutritional cuisine Bi Nevi Deli, make our dream of living an exotic summer come true. Bride, Let's experience this pleasure together with Pithaya Smoothie Bowl.

Pithaya Smoothie Bowl


You can easily find Pithaya fruit in the exotic fruit section of the markets.Three summers ago We were very excited when we met a producer named Yaşar Dağtekin. He has very good local, drug-free, seasonal fruits. We look forward to that year's pithaya harvest!

All materials:

1 frozen banana (about 120 g)

½ slice of pink pithaya (about 60 g) 

⅓ slice of pineapple (about 80 g) 

2 tablespoons vegetable milk (almond milk or coconut milk for a slightly lighter option)


Freeze all ingredients by peeling and cutting from the night before. The next morning, put all the fruits in the processor with milk and grind for 1-2 minutes until the fruits have an ice cream-like, smooth but not watery consistency. To decorate the bowl; half a slice of kiwi, 3-4 frozen blackberries, a tablespoon Kind of Crazy Use Peanut Butter and a tablespoon of gluten-free Bi Nevi Deli Chocolate Granola. 

The pleasure of summer is now at your home, enjoy it!

Belkis Boyacıgiller – Co-Founder of Bi Nevi Deli

After studying International Relations at the University of Southern California, Boyacıgiller did his master's degree in Business Administration at the IESE Business School in Barcelona, and after his master's degree, he turned to the field of healthy and herbal nutrition. Plant Based Nutrition from Cornell University; rouxbe.comProfessional Plant Based Chef from Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Holistic Health Coach from Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and Fundamentals of Raw Cooking certificates from Matthew Kenney Culinary Belkis Boyacıgiller founded Bi Nevi Deli, a plant-based nutrition kitchen, with his partner Özge Şen in 2014. 

Özge Şen - Co-Founder of Bi Nevi Deli 

Özge Şen, who is a graduate of METU Economics, continued a brisk professional life by holding different positions in the finance sector for 13 years after moving to Istanbul. In September 2012, with the desire to make a new arrangement regarding the flow of life, he started his project research/development adventure with his entrepreneurial adventure. In July 2014, she met Belkıs Boyacıgiller and realized her favorite diet and lifestyle as the co-founder of Bi Nevi Deli. Sen, who attaches great importance to environmental sustainability, also defines himself as an animal lover.

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